Did u ever Felt that??A wonderful,perfect feel in this world!!!when all of my family members...my uncle..aunt..my cousin...my grandpa...grandma....were all in a house...laugh together,play together...hapiness absolutely cover all sadness caused by homework,exam an so on....how difficlut to have family like this!!! Thanks...really Thank You!!!Thanks for pick me as the lucky guy to have this perfect family!!!I love u all!!!!!!!!

Pui Yi Zai,Yan Yi Zai,Boy Q Zai,Zheng,Hang,Bei,Na,Ho,Wei,Li xin jie………真的好开心能和你们一起,一起玩牌(每次都是无里头的haha,笑声,是代表我们最好的象征!!对吗?)。。把所有人的秘密通通挖出来haha。。。。!!!!!!!i wont forget that sweet memory !!!!!

Ying,Xuan,Yuan,Li,Sheng,Yu….记得我们小时一起做出的“良药”魔鬼汤吗?里面是我们最快乐的童年哦!!!还有我们一起构思的广告“sony 最新款广告”。。还有Yuan,remember a night we cant sleep because of coffee…haha!!!还有你们xiao Go Go de “忘不了”haha……and many again!!!!!!!!!!

I Really thanks for giving a perfect family in this world!!!!!and 记得,就算现在我们都已经长大,只要记忆里的我们还在,我们就可以共同再创造属于我们的每个记忆。。。在每一次我们相遇的那一刻!!!!!


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